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As therapists, mental health professionals, and healers we pour so much of our time, energy, and care into our communities.
We have devoted our lives and careers to helping our clients heal, and being such an integral part of their journey with mental health.
Unfortunately, it is all too common for people who help and heal to put their own self care on the back burner.
Recent studies show that over 50% of those in the helping and healing professions are experiencing burn out.
We can’t pour from an empty cup.
I invite you to join me for a weekly series of live Sound Meditation and Breathwork practices, where you can prioritize your mental health and pour into your cup.
Typically during Mental Health Awareness month we focus on furthering the conversation about mental health with the general public.
This year, let's also focus on the mental health of the healer.
This May, we will gather weekly for a LIVE Sound Meditation and breathwork practice that will help you release stress, practice grounding, and tend to your soul.
On June 1st, we will close out our monthly series with a live Healers Circle, where we will engage in gentle movement, breathwork, and sound healing in order to seal in the work we've done throughout the month of prioritizing our holistic self care.
Wednesdays, May 8th-29th
12-12:15pm EST
Saturday, June 1st
11-12:30pm EST
Fill out the form below to join!
LeNaya S Crawford, The Holistic Therapist ®
I have been there....
Several years ago I found myself burnt out, overweight, depressed and super disconnected from my body and spirit. I had gotten to a place where I completely neglected my well being, I was so focused on building my private practice, serving my clients and community that I forgot about me. I got caught up in thinking my worth was wrapped up in what I could achieve and checking things off my to do list. I felt like rest was something I had to earn or aspire to later in life.
I was pouring from an empty cup.
Once I started to prioritize my well being and integrating Holistic Healing practices for myself I saw a major shift. Serving my community and going after my dreams felt more easeful and more importantly I was able to experience joy, freedom and authenticity like I have never felt before. I was honoring the human behind the healer and practicing what I taught.
This freedom, joy and authenticity is what I want for you, It is what I want all of my fellow Women to experience and embody.
You can’t pour from an empty cup…it is time to pour back into yourself.